Dancing Hen Farm
Sharing the Harvest
Now open!
Registration for our 2025 Summer CSA! Delicious veggies for 18 weeks, eggs, chicken, and more.
Local, fresh farm foods grown and raised using organic methods and available through CSA membership and direct sales.
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram
We Offer Choice Shares
Our CSA members are able to choose the contents of their share boxes from a list of available items. Members log in online every week to make their selections.
Those who prefer to have Don pick part or all of their box contents may still do so, as all unspecified items are filled via "farmer's choice."
Work Opportunities Available!
Come join Farmer Don for fresh air, farm work, lunch and friendship. Learn different techniques, see where and how your food is grown. Contact the farm for more information!
Special Offer for Churches & Community Organizations
In an effort to support our community and "share our harvest," we partner with local churches and civic groups. If 10 CSA members pick up at your facility, we'll donate one full vegetable share to your orgnization. In the past, groups have donated this share to a family in need or to a local food bank. In addition, we often have excess produce and we'll donate these items to you as well. To learn more, contact us at the farm.