Dancing Hen Farm
Sharing the Harvest
Summer CSA Share Details
Base Shares
You pick share contents from a list of available items. Purchase of a base share is required to make other share purchases.
Full (10 items weekly, feeds 3-4) $525
Half (6 items weekly, feeds 2-3) $375
Egg Share
One dozen pastured eggs every other week starting week 1, for a total of nine dozen. Available only with purchase of any full or partial share above.
Chicken Share
Four deliveries during the season, on week one and every four weeks thereafter. Each delivery consists of one whole chicken and two half chickens.
Buyer's Club
Supplement your purchase with items purchased individually, any time you wish. The full deposit may be used to purchase farm fresh items throughout the growing season.
Add $100
Delivery to a central pickup site
In Bloomsburg, Dallas, Forty Fort, Shavertown, and Mountain Top.
Add $75
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